Seriously, I didn’t expect to take a nearly 4-month break from this blog. Life just got busy.
March and April were filled with long runs training for the Derby half-marathon and not long after the race I found out I’m pregnant. (Yeah!) Which was soon followed by nausea and fatigue that produced a whole lot of doing nothing for a good long while. And then summer came bringing with it both a funeral and a wedding across the country.
To be honest, I haven’t even looked at my blog in so long that I forgot I changed the template! But we have been doing work (more on that later), preparing materials, and cutting lamination. I’ve been looking over the themes from last year, reviewing and adding to them (as well as some new themes) for this year, and planning out the year very loosely.
My goal is to get back to blogging regularly on Our Montessori Home and spruce things up a bit
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