Montessori Monday – Our 1st Week of School

First Week of School

Last week we started our first week of school and things went pretty smoothly. I haven’t put us on a timetable, since our family typically functions better on routine. My goal is to spend at least 3 hours doing school and wrap up before lunch (between 12 – 12:30). This week we had a few later mornings and didn’t get in a full 3 hours, but I’m happy that we were able to focus on finding a school routine and for the boys to become interested in their work.

What do we do?


After breakfast, the boys get dressed and we head down to the school room. We start our morning with the calender, which is probably their favorite part. We add the current day to the calender, move our arrow to the correct day of the week, and switch the day of the week label.

Then, using our golden unit beads, we add a bead to the days we’ve been in school and switch the number for the days of school board. Last, Joey writes what day of school it is on our 100 Days of School board.

After we’re finished with the calendar, we move on to our poem of the month. I read the poem aloud once, while the boys find pictures of key words in the poem. Then they (or, rather, Joey) say it along with me a second time through. We’re working on learning a stanza per week.

After our morning routine, I give a lesson to one of the boys while the other chooses his own work. In my planner, I have written down what I’d like to focus on each day with the boys whether it’s a new lesson or a work I’d like them to review.

Learning to Unroll & Roll a Mat

I’m still trying to figure out the flow of our school mornings. I’m looking at when there’s a natural break in activity and reoccurring times of redirection. When I’ve noticed these lulls, we spend some time reading books, do our theme unit (this month is All About Me with Grace & Courtesy), or art activities.

What did we do this week?


How to Carry a Chair

Working on their All About Me books

Hole Punching

 Making Music

Metal Insets & Spooning

 Otto working on spooning. Very concentrated.

Pegs on a Rim

Touch Tablets

Boxes with Lids

 Pouring Beans (One struggle this week is that Otto wanted to do exactly what Joey was doing, even if he wasn’t quite there yet. I still let him try.)

Practicing Carrying a Tray & Returning Work to the Shelf

Hanging Bead Stair

What did you do this week?


Montessori Monday

4 comments… add one

  • Martianne September 10, 2012, 5:27 am

    You are doing what I imagined myself doing when my children were toddler and pre-k age. I never got my environment and materials set well enough to do it and also had to contend with special needs and appts… I still dream of getting back to a more tradtional Montessori approach, but for now I simply try to follow the kids as much as possible and apply philosophy as best as I can.

    I laughed when I read that you are still trying to figure out your morning flow. I’ve been at it for years and am still trying, too!

    • Jessica September 10, 2012, 12:55 pm

      I know, I know. I’m sure as soon as we’ve got it down something will change and we’ll be back to square one again. 🙂

  • mommytotheprincesses September 10, 2012, 9:50 am

    Great work week! What cute boys you have!

    • Jessica September 10, 2012, 12:54 pm

      Thanks. 🙂

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