Working on the Zipper Dressing Frame
He is so proud he can do it!
Putting Rings on Napkins
Practicing Numbers 7 – 10
Numeral & Quantity Memory Game
I tried this “clean painting” activity with the boys this week thinking they’d enjoy it and that it’d keep them entertained for awhile. It lasted all of 2 minutes and Otto was more interested in the tape than what was in the bag. Maybe another time.
One of the things I worked with Otto on last week was retrieving  a specific object when I asked for it by name. We started off with two objects and he did pretty well.
Then we made it a little hide and seek game with just the monkey and he seemed to think that was fun.
This week we start our theme unit on the solar system and I’ll let you know how it goes!
What did you do last week?
Linking up with Montessori Monday:
2 comments… add one
Great number activities … and I love the hide and seek with the monkey! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:
Great way to play the number memory game all alone! Thanks for the idea.