Shelf Work: 3rd Week of October

Shelf Work

Shelf Work

After looking a bit bare the last week or so, I added a few new works and made adjustments to both shelves. The one in Joey’s room has been neglected for quite awhile. Here’s what we’ve got:

Matching Shoes

Matching Shoes

Even after presenting the Matching Pairs work multiple times to Joey, he still doesn’t seem quite ready for it. With narrowing the objects to match to one category maybe he’ll connect that two shoes are the same. Right now, I think he’s still sidetracked by the fascinating velcro.

Crushing Paper

Crushing Paper

When I first saw this work I thought it’d be a dangerous one to introduce. Tearing paper? Would he begin to tear all paper he came into contact with? So far Joey’s not interested in crushing the paper, just putting it in the basket.

Treasure Basket: Fall

Treasure Basket: Fall

Over the last week, more and more kernels have fallen off the corn cob. Then, Joey finds them and throws them around the house until we manage to safely hide them. At least they’re too small to choke on. I let him play with a pine cone briefly yesterday,  but it went straight to his mouth and while I’m all about exploring textures a pine cone is just one of those things that cannot be easily cleaned.

Practicing 'In' and 'Out'

Practicing 'In' and 'Out'

This next work is all homemade, using a shoe box and a covered toilet paper roll. It’s for practicing in and out. Joey has a bit of trouble getting the tube back into the hole, but also thinks that he should be able to drink from it as well…which can look kinda funny.

Work in Joey's Room

Work in Joey's Room

Joey has this little shelf (which is actually a shoe rack) in his room and I try to keep a few activities for him, but it’s stayed pretty bare the last month or so. As you can see, it mostly work that has been on the living room shelf. These are activities that he has not yet mastered and is still interested in.

Stacking Objects

Stacking Objects

This is a new work and pretty simple. The object is to stack the objects. We haven’t worked much with it yet and Joey seems to think any cylinder is for drinking. Once he gets the hang of it this could be  a pretty fun work…maybe a precursor to blocks!

Can I drink from this?

Can I drink from this?

The rest of the work:

Stacking Rings

Stacking Rings

Opening & Closing Extension

Opening & Closing Extension

Trying on a Hats

Trying on a Hats

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