Simple Practical Life

Simple Practical LifeWe didn’t get to much school last week, since I’m nearing the end of this pregnancy I’ve been resting and nesting. Here’s our practical life from September.

Washing Rocks

Pouring – Wet

Pouring – Dry

Transferring Water with a Sponge

Sanding Sticks


Cleaning a Mat

Folding Washcloths

Pegs on a Rim

Stringing Beads

Matching Boxes with Lids

Spooning – Large

Spooning – Small

Montessori Monday

4 comments… add one

  • Nicole October 8, 2012, 5:43 am

    I love these ideas! I need to incorporate more practical learning into our trays. Thanks for sharing.

  • Tina at September October 8, 2012, 1:22 pm

    Looks great! I <3 practical life activities 🙂

  • ALEXANDRA October 9, 2012, 6:25 am

    Your activities are great. I am starting to know and get informed about montessori and I am looking to get my 2 year old in this methodology.

    But I want to ask you whay the tray is so important to do the activities?

    thanks for answer.

    • Jessica October 23, 2012, 10:25 am

      Hi Alexandra,

      The tray is the way the child carries the activity from the shelf to the floor or the shelf to the table. Sometimes, depending on the activity, it defines the workspace for the child doing the activity (same with a mat) and other child know not to interfere with that child’s work unless invited.

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