Adventures in Homeschooling – I love their Valentine’s Day tradition of dressing for dinner. So cute!
Made by Joel – This is a new favorite site. Joel makes plenty of fun and simple toys for his kids and shares how, like the indoor ring toss, a marble run made out of cereal boxes, cardboard marionette, and a wall hanging aquarium. I think I’ll be making quite a few of these!
Living Montessori Now – Deb shares a great educational resource called Teachers TV. You should check it out. There’s even a 30 minute video on The Montessori Method.
Fruit in Season – Lots of great ideas for Montessori cultural activities. This post jogged my memory of some things I forgot about!
Also, check out Fruit in Season’s 10 Days of Montessori Homeschooling posts. It’s a great basic overview of the different areas and materials in most Montessori classrooms.
l n m o p – A great (new-to-me) magazine. l n m o p stands for laugh, make, nurture, organise, and play.
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