Tot School: Christmas

It’s been a busy and full week or two around our house with Christmas, grandparents visiting, and preparing for baby (4 days until the due date!), so that’s of pictures. More play than work, but that’s how it should be this time of year, right? 😉

Tot School

Joey loves Curious George, so my mom made him a ‘man with the yellow hat’ costume for Christmas.

Playing with his Auntie. This was right before he told me, “Go Mommy, go!”

Let’s just say between the grandparent, great-grandparents, and aunts/uncles Christmas brought a plethora of new toys. Of course, he had to open each one and play with it right there…which made for a long morning!

A Christmas matching work I forgot to put out earlier in the month.

It’s snowed a couple of times since Thanksgiving here (we even had a white Christmas!), but New Years Eve it was in the 60’s!  So we spent much of the afternoon playing outside. Now, it’s back to the winter weather.

And this would be the view I’m seeing these days…waiting on the little guy to make his grand appearance!

3 comments… add one

  • Giggles and Crayons January 2, 2011, 9:15 pm

    Good luck with the new baby. My children are 23 months apart…so I can relate to you!

  • patricia January 3, 2011, 2:07 pm

    I love the picture of daddy with your little guy. You can it up to daddy’s time friday in my blog. God bless you with the new baby!

  • Ewa January 6, 2011, 6:08 am

    Keep my fingers crossed for the new baby and you I wish you a light labour. Kisses from Poland. Ewa

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