Where We’ve Been

I had big plans for Our Montessori Home in 2013 and I didn’t even post once.

What happened?

In short, life.


Our third child, Olivia, was born in November 2012 and, honestly, homeschooling with a newborn was a lot harder than I expected. Much went by the wayside, homeschooling was touch and go. We adventured, read, and played. In the spring our family spent a lot of time working on a fixer upper and moved in early summer. We lived life and this little spot on the internet was one thing to go.

I thoroughly enjoy blogging and coming up with ideas for different activities and projects. I find writing our own theme unit curriculum fun. Like, really fun. I think I would do it full-time if I could. But one of the other reasons I stepped back from this blog and didn’t push was I had come to a place where everything was something for the blog, “Wait–kids! I need to get a picture of that! Don’t move.” Much of how I interacted with my children became about how I could (or would) translate it to the blog.

Between Olivia’s birth, adjusting to life with three children 4 and under, and being consumed by Blog! Montessori! Project! Gotta take a picture!, I knew I needed to step away.

So I did.

Where are we?

Family Photo

Joey is 5. An emerging reader, leader, explorer, and question-asker extraordinaire. He wants to be a spy, scientist, and adventurer when he grows up. Otto is 3. A huggable ball of energy with a feisty streak. He’s our little caretaker, loves building with his Duplos, and is a bit all over the place these days. Olivia is 16 months and absolutely adorable. Right now, she wants to do everything she sees her brothers doing and also wrecks havoc on our school room from time to time. Fun times.

What to expect?

Many of those ideas from 2013 are pouring into 2014. You can expect a few theme units to be published this year (All About Me, The Human Body, and ), two eBooks are currently in the works (one focusing on Montessori for infants and toddlers), and more free printables.

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2 comments… add one

  • Homeschool@sg April 3, 2014, 7:40 am

    Looking forward! I am late reader to your blog but love your posts! So I’m really glad you are starting to do this again! But totally understand & respect why you chose not to blog last year- it was a very wise decision. Your kids are blessed! 🙂

  • Mia April 20, 2014, 9:23 pm

    So excited for the infants and toddlers e-book!! Love your blog – my son is the same age as Olivia – and can’t wait to see more!

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