Montessori Christmas Activities for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers

12 Days of Montessori Christmas Activities for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers

A few years ago I did a series called 12 Days of Montessori Christmas. Each day I shared a Montessori Christmas themed activity for infant/toddlers and preschoolers. All in all, there’s about 24 Christmas activities.

Now you can find them all in the same place:

Montessori Christmas Activities for Infants & Toddlers

12 Days of Montessori Christmas - Infant Toddler Activities, Days 1-4Days 1 – 4

1. Practicing In and Out (with extensions)

2. Crushing Paper

3. Christmas Treasure Basket

4. Trying on Hats

12 Days of Montessori Christmas - Infant Toddler Activities - Day 5-8Days 5 – 8

5. Unwrapping a Present

6. Christmas Sensory Books

7. Pegs on a Rim

8. Cookie Cutter Play Dough

12 Days of Montessori Christmas - Infant Toddler Activities - Day 9-12Days 9 – 12

9. Rhythm & Songs

10. Christmas Toss

11. Matching Object to Picture

12. Making Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments

Montessori Christmas Activities for Preschoolers

12 Days of Montessori Christmas - Preschool Activities - Day 1-4Days 1 – 4

1. Transferring Ornaments

2. Decorating a Tree

3. Weaving Ribbons

4. Beading Candy Canes

12 Days of Montessori Christmas - Preschool Activities - Day 5-8Days 5 – 8

5. Wrapping a Present

6. Cracking Nuts

7. Sorting Ornaments

8. Sensory Sorting

12 Days of Montessori Christmas - Preschool Activities - Day 9-12Days 9 – 12

9. Stringing a Garland

10. Counting Ornaments

11. Tweezing Pom Poms

12. Making Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments


Linking up with Living Montessori Now’s Montessori Monday.


Montessori Christmas Gift Guide - HeaderIt’s been quiet at the OMH blog, because I’ve been busy behind the scenes. I just finished up our 2014 Montessori Christmas Gift Guide with individual gift guides for babies, toddlers, two’s & three’s, preschoolers, 5 – 7 year olds, as well as gift guides for homeschool families and subscription ideas for families.

On top of that this week I’ll be posting new Montessori Christmas activities. It’s been a few years since I updated and expanded the activities, and this year you’ll have just that.

Look forward to seeing 30 all new Montessori-inspired Christmas activities divided between infants, toddlers, and preschool/primary age groups. It’s been a lot of work, but I hope you’ll find it useful.

Want a reminder? Sign-up for the Our Montessori Home newsletter. It’s been on a bit of a hiatus, but it’s making a comeback this week.

Have fun planning your Montessori Christmas shelves!

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