Preparing for Baby: Infant Activities

Sunday was the start of 39 weeks, we’re officially closing in on the end of this pregnancy. I’ve been seeing my midwife once a week, a month of dinners are waiting in the freezer, and the bag for the birth center is finally packed and ready. I thought as I’m waiting for my body and the baby to get ready for birth, I’d share this week a few ways we’ve prepared for baby’s arrival in the Montessori way.

Today, preparing for baby with Montessori infant activities.

Activities for Babies Ages 3+ Months

Grasping Ring & Bell

Gobbi Mobile

This one is from Goose Designs on Etsy. They also sell grasping bells and rings. (I attempted to make my own Gobbi mobile. It was an epic failure. Next time around I’m just going to buy one from Goose Designs.)


Treasure Baskets & Discovery Boxes

Treasure baskets and discovery boxes are essentially the same thing with minor variations. A treasure basket is filled with a variety of items (between 15 – 20). The items in the basket should appeal to the 5 senses (sight, touch, taste, hear, smell) and made of varying materials, preferably natural materials. In the past, I’ve done baskets based on color (red, yellow, blue), room (kitchen, sewing), and season (fall with gourds and pumpkins).

A discovery box is a miniature version of a treasure basket. With this I put 6 different items of varying sizes, weights, and textures and let them explore.

Focusing, Following, & Grasping an Object

Montessori Baby Toys – by Pinkhouse Handworks {my favorite!}

Activities for Babies Ages 6+ Months

Stacking Rings

Experiencing Different Sounds

Remembering an Object’s Location

Identifying & Finding Objects When Asked

Activities for Babies Ages 9+ Months

Opening & Closing Objects

Opening & Closing Objects Extensions

Practicing In & Out

Crushing Paper

Trying on Hats

Stacking Objects

Matching Shoes


Preparing for Baby Series

Infant Activities

The Essentials

The Environment*

Preparing for Labor*

*Coming soon.

4 comments… add one

  • Laura October 22, 2012, 3:04 pm

    Excellent! Good reminder. Although I feel not so much time has passed since we were using those items.
    At 32 weeks, I had not thought of freezing dinners, so you’ve given me a very useful idea!!

    • Jessica October 23, 2012, 10:22 am

      Same here, Laura! Hope you have a peace ending to this pregnancy. 🙂

  • Lisa Nolan October 22, 2012, 4:05 pm

    So lovely! Congratulations on baby! (I always enjoy visiting your Montessori site!)

    • Jessica October 23, 2012, 10:21 am

      Thanks, Lisa!

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